
Saturday, August 20, 2005

About Us

I'm Jessica, Ruth's oldest daughter. Mom taught me how to sew at an early age and it's been one of my passions ever since.

I remember my first sewing project--a pair of red culottes. Then there was the matching skirt and lined vest Mom helped me with. How I hated doing the lining on that vest...and I have never tackled another one since. By the time we got the vest done, the skirt was too small, and I never wore either! Somehow though, clothing construction became my favorite aspects of sewing. I also enjoy handwork, embroidery, quilting, and home decorating projects, and I want to take up crocheting next.

I'm newly married and my husband and I are expecting our first little blessing in February, 2007. We are Christians, and God alone is the one who gives us such joy and happiness as we walk though life as His followers.

Check out our cooking blog at


Hello! My name is Ruth and I love to sew. :-)

My husband of 23 years and I have been blessed with 7 beautiful children, and we've been homeschooling for over 15 years. When I'm not teaching, cleaning, cooking, reading, or playing with the children you will probably find me in the sewing room or sitting with some type of handiwork.

My mother tried to teach me to sew when I was a girl, but it never "took" until I was pregnant with my first child and I needed to make some maternity clothes. After that, I took off and have been sewing ever since. In addition to sewing, I also enjoy crocheting, embroidery, smocking, knitting, quilting, cross-stitching, and tole painting. I don't pretend to be an expert at any of it, but I do enjoy attempting new skills and techniques. Oh, I must confess that I also enjoy spending time on the computer.... Maybe if spent less time on the computer I would get more sewing done! :-)


This page was updated 8/22/06.