
Thursday, July 20, 2006

Catching Up

Thank you all for your positive comments about the new blog look. I agree with you that Katie has done a fabulous job, and I know she is greatly encouraged by your kind words. Not only did Katie do all the html computer techie stuff, but she actually went through my fabric stash and took many pictures trying to get just the one perfect photo. I was amazed at the result-- piles of fabric that ended up looking like bolts of fabric in the picture. Can you pick out the 4 Amy Butler fabrics in the blog header?

In case you've wondered where Jessica is, she has been having computer problems and can't post. She has been busy sewing her bridesmaid dress for Bonny's wedding. It only lacks the hem, but I helped pin that in place so she can finish it. The dress looks beautiful, and I hope Jessica will post pictures eventually.

I have taken some time in the past week to do some sewing as well. Heather wanted an old favorite skirt copied, so I tried my hand at that. It came out quite well, and Heather wore it today. I was pleased, because normally I do not like to sew anything without a pattern. The skirt was simple enough, however, and it went together easily. Pictures to come....

Life has been busy. Summer is quickly fading and school will be starting soon. I must begin focusing on school preparations and less time on computers and sewing. My goal is to get all the links at the top of the blog working soon so that the blog can be "finished" (until the next revision, ha ha). Once that is done I won't have to spend so much time on the computer, right?

One more thing.... Remember the vintage apron pattern I posted about earlier? I sent it to my sister-in-law, and she made an apron! Doesn't it look wonderful? Patsy said that the directions were not very clear, but I think her apron is great. I just love vintage-looking aprons! We have been watching old Walton shows and I decided that I must make an apron like Mrs. Walton's.

Again, thanks for all the comments on the last post. It is nice to see some new names and make some new friends in the process.


Friday, July 14, 2006

Almost there....

We've spent a lot of work on the new template and it is almost done. Comment and let us know how it looks on your browser and computer. We do know some of the links aren't working yet, but we'll get to that soon. Enjoy!

-Katie Marie

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Apron Inspirations

Not that we really need any more apron patterns, but I have enjoyed drooling over these adorable apron patterns at the Paisley Pincushion. They are so sweet.

I particularly like the "shopkeeper apron" and the "busy bias apron". Sigh...I still need to finish the two aprons hanging around in my sewing room...


Free Pincushion Pattern

Here is a free pincushion pattern...and it's absolutely adorable! I love how it's made out of felt. If only I needed another project, I would make one, but right now I have plenty of pincushions and projects to keep me busy for awhile!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Cheery Cherry Apron

Every woman needs at least one apron even if she never wears it. An apron with cherries on it would be particularly fitting for a certain somebody who never wears aprons but might wear one during cherry season (if she had one). With that in mind, I just had to make a cherry-topped apron for this special person---you know who you are. :-)

Since cherries can be so messy to work with, I thought this style of apron would provide a good cover-up. I made the same pattern as Jessica's apron and the same view, but I did not put the ties on. I did lower the neckline by several inches, but I think it needs scooped even more. The apron went together easily enough and I plan to make it again. I'm glad that Jessica challenged me to make an apron, and I think now I need to challenge her to finish the one she started. :-)


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Books, Babies, and Blankets

I just love vintage craft books! My grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was a young girl, and I remember the crochet books and magazines that she had. For that reason, when I came upon a number of old crochet books many years ago at a thrift store, I bought them. It's always a pleasure to me to see my craft books on the shelf, and sometimes I just sit and browse through the pictures, dreaming of the projects I will never find time to do.

When a new baby boy was born to some friends of ours I decided to make him a receiving blanket similar to the blankets I posted about earlier but with a fancier crocheted edging than I typically do. I started an edging from this lovely old book, but after crocheting about 12 inches I took it out, deciding that it was too frilly for a little boy. After a few minutes of trial and error, I ended up creating a simpler
edging that is more fitting for the fabric. Three Waltons' episodes later, the blanket was finished and is now ready to give to the precious new baby.
