
Friday, August 25, 2006

Serger Thread Sale

Hancock Fabrics is having a 3-day sale through the 26th, and I went shopping. The only thing I came home with was 5 spools of serger thread. Regularly $2.99, the Maxi-lock serger thread is on sale for $1.77, and I stocked up on white and black. It seems like these are the colors I use for almost everything I serge. I do have other colors and I do switch out my serger threads occasionally to something besides white or black, but for the most part that's what I use.

I once read somewhere that if you serged with gray, the thread would blend into most every fabric with exception to
bright solid colors of fabric. I tried that once, but you know, I do not like the color gray, and sewing with gray serger thread did not make me happy. So now I use mostly white and black with the occasional switch to other colors to match a specific fabric. And that makes me happy. :-)

I'm curious to know what color(s) of serger thread other sewers use most. Do you change colors for every project? Do you ever use regular thread on your serger to get a good color match, or do you only use serger thread?

By the way, if you sign up for Hancock's newsletter you will receive coupons by email. For the current sale I received a coupon for $10 off a $35 purchase (which I did not use since I did not spend $35). If anybody wants the coupon, let me know and I'll forward it to you. The coupon is good through Saturday.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Take a Look!

The links in the upper right-hand corner of the blog
are now working, including the "about" us page.
Take a look!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

I Have The Yarn

I have the yarn, and I have the pattern.
I'm starting a new crochet project.
And I am excited!

Lately, I have been feeling like doing some kind of handiwork. I thought about embroidering some tea towels, but I really don't need any tea towels at the moment. I thought about finishing the hand-quilting on the quilt I started 7 or 8 years ago, but it's too hot to have a big quilt on my lap. I considered working on some doilies or knitting some socks, but then I went to Wal-Mart. When I saw this leaflet with instuctions on crocheting this hooded baby sweater, I knew this was it! Emily will need a warm sweater this coming fall, right? The yarn I bought forms its own stripes, and I won't have to change yarns to change the colors. How cool is that?! I hope to get started in the next day or so, and I'll post my progress here. Hopefully the pattern will be easy to follow and the yarn will be easy to work with. :-)

Jessica, if this baby sweater goes well it will be good preparation for me to crochet the sweater that you like.


Thursday, August 17, 2006

"Inspire a New Sewer Today"

From the website:

Get free sewing information!
Share the joy of sewing with your friends. Print copies of Threads' handy "Teach Yourself to Sew" guide and help aspiring sewers start sewing today.

this page is a list of other useful information from Threads, as listed below.

Assemble your tools:
Pins (PDF Format)
Hand and sewing machine needles
Scissors (PDF Format)
Thread (PDF Format)
Sewing machine

Pattern envelopes
Want a certain look? (video)

Fabrics & Cutting:
Find a cutting surface
Need-to-know fabric terms

First, make your darts (video)
Next, sew your seams (PDF Format)
Choose the right interfacing

Finishing touches:
Quick zipper tips
Buttoning up buttons (PDF Format)

Thank you, Michele, for posting about this great information. And thank you, Taunton, for making this information available.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Blog Roll

Reciprocal Blog Roll ~ Blogs that Link to Sew Chic

This is a list of the blogs that link to Sew Chic. If you link to us, be sure to leave a comment with your blog name so that you can be added to the list.

We may or may not agree with all the views expressed in these blogs,
so please read at your own discretion.

updated Feb. 3, 2011

Vintage towel apron

Several months ago I found this adorable old tea-towel at a thrift store for 99 cents. What a deal! I knew it would be perfect for an apron and I finally got around to sewing it up.

I love the print...the little country animals and tools make me happy.

What I like best about it is that it's made from a tea-towel so I don't feel funny about wiping my hand on it or getting it dirty. It'll be easy to throw in the wash with the other towels.

To make it, I simply attached fabric tie and a matching pocket (more for cuteness then practicality). I put two little box pleats in the front of the towel for a little fullness but I've seen them without that too.

On another note, we got a dresser for our bedroom!!!! I am so happy. The amazing thing about it is that we weren't planning on buying a dresser that day...we just happened to drop in at the Salvation Army one day, and they had just gotten this dresser in the very day before, and we could afford it, and we both liked it! I think it was God working all that together to answer my unspoken prayers and longings for a dresser. I can't wait to get all my clothes out of the closets and organized into it.

It's a really nice big dresser with lots of drawers and it fits perfectly along the empty wall in our bedroom. It's solid hardwood and is wonderful shape.

Monday, August 14, 2006

More Vintage Patterns

I have the perfect pattern, Jessica, for you to sew yourself a "retro" dress. A wonderful and dear friend (hi, Sue!) sent these patterns to me, and I think she had you in mind. Aren't they fabulous patterns?!!!

The pattern in the yellow envelope is old, and the pattern pieces have no writing on them, no numbers, and no markings. The pattern numbers are punched on the pieces with little round holes, and that's it. The direction sheet is mostly diagrams with minimal instructions. The postage on the envelope is 1-cent, but there is no postmark. Does anybody have any idea how old this pattern is? (Sue, where did you find it?)

You know, I could get into collecting vintage patterns. I think they're neat.... As it is, I hate to think of the day when I die and my children have to go through all my patterns, books, fabric, yarn, craft supplies, etc., etc., and throw it all away. Oh, the horror of the thought!

Thank you, Sue, for sending the patterns! I want to make one of the aprons soon. That reminds me-- Last week I made an apron for a gift for a 16 year old girl, and I forgot to take a picture of it. Since this particular young lady likes horses I used fabric with horses on it. I wish I had taken a picture.

It seems that lately all I've sewn is aprons and skirts. "Summer Skirts" has been the theme of my sewing these past months.... and I haven't taken pictures of them either. Ah, well. It's been a good summer nevertheless.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Retro Sewing

Cool new group blog...check it out.

Lots of inspiration and fun stuff. To join the blog as a contributer, you must be into sewing retro garments. This can mean a variety of things: you use vintage fabric, vintage patterns, or just vintage styled fabric and patterns.

I'm not into sewing vintage right now, but it's still very interesting to me. I don't know that I would be brave enough to wear some of the vintage dresses in the "real world".... I love to dress up though!


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Catching up with me!

I haven't done a whole lot of sewing lately, but I feel a creative urge coming on. Tonight I finished an apron that I'd started weeks ago, and that felt really good! Pictures will be coming soon.

I have tons of ideas and things I want to sew and make. I think I want to make that cute pincushion I posted about earlier, and I want to sew curtains for my bedroom that look like these white ones here:

I want to finish the other apron I have that is almost done, and I then I want to start working on some pregnancy clothes for myself...that's right, my friends, I'm expecting! Baby is coming in the middle of Febuary sometime. We're happy and excited.

I just found a note in my sewing room with all my meaurements pre-pregnancy and discovered that at 13 weeks I've already gained 2 and 1/2 inches in my waist measurement. It's really weird to see my body changing like this.

Below are a couple of pictures from my cousin's wedding 2 weekends ago. Bonny was a beautiful bride and her wedding was so special. I was honored to be a bridesmaid.

I made my bridemaid dress, and it turned out very pretty. I felt very like I'd just stepped out of a Jane Austin novel with the long skirt, puffed sleeves and high waist. I loved her colors...lavender and white are so weddingish.

That's all for now!

The pattern was McCall's 3954. It went together very well, and fit me with no alterations needed.

With me above is my cousin Wendy, the maid of honor. Bonny and I are below.