
Friday, November 21, 2008

Sewing Surprises in the Mail

This week has been one of surprises coming in my mailbox, all sewing related, and you can imagine how exciting it was for me! The first surprise came from a good friend, Christa, and her daughter, Meggie, who sent me a back issue of Ottobre. I just can't get over how sweet these two ladies were to send me this wonderful gift! Thank you! I appreciate your friendship ever so much. And I can't wait to start a new sewing project from this particular Ottobre issue. Jessica, you will love it too---it's packed full of baby clothes. Ellen (12 years old) has even put in her requests.

The second surprise came from directly from Ottobre, all the way from Finland! Last week I received an email from one of the Ottobre editors congratulating me on my recent contest win at Pattern Review and writing that they liked what I did with the Ottobre designs. I was delighted with the email and truly expected nothing more. Yesterday I received a mysterious white package in the mail just full of goodies along with the card and lovely note inside. The note itself was prize enough for me, but just take a look at the gifts Ottobre sent: a 2009 planning calendar, 3 round pins, and 2 Creative Workshop patterns for the woman's and children's basic t-shirt tops.

Now you all know that I have been hooked on Ottobre ever since I received my first issue. The patterns are well-drafted (they fit!), and the designs are truly amazing. Ottobre has been a breath of fresh air for me after so many years of sewing from the "big 3" (or is it 4?) pattern companies. The customer service at Ottobre is fantastic, and yes, they are very kind and generous. Thank you Ottobre!

The third package in the mail was not really a surprise except for the fact that it came so much quicker than I expected. When I won the contest at PR, my prize was $75 worth of patterns from Lanetz Living--an online company that specializes in vintage and discontinued patterns. Janet has so many patterns on her site that I had a hard time deciding which to choose; I had to enlist Jessica's help. Also, Janet adds more patterns on a daily basis, so there is always something new to choose. (Jessica--she's added a bunch of vintage toddler patterns for little girls---some are adorable!). Lanetz Living has great customer service and quick shipping. I ordered the patterns on Tuesday and received them on Thursday. Thank you, Lanetz Living, for sponsoring the contest at PR with your generous prize.

What an exciting week this has been! I sew want to sew! :-) But I'm holding myself back because of the many other things I need to accomplish this week. We are going to Colorado next week for Thanksgiving and I need to prepare for the trip. And I need to homeschool my kids sometime, prepare for co-cop classes (I teach 5th and 6th grade American history), do laundry, and clean house. Time to get busy, right?

happy sewing,

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Baby Update and Details

Jaidyn Marie

Hello! This is Jessica here. My boys went to run some errands, and Marie and I have had a quiet morning resting and catching up with some e-mails and such.

Thank you for all the comments and congratulations.
They are such a blessing and I appreciate all of our readers!

Like her big brother Elliot, we will be calling this baby by her middle name, Marie. She was 20" long and weighed 6 pounds, 14 oz. That is 2 lbs, 4 oz. smaller then Elliot weighed. She seems so tiny compared to how I remember him!

Like Elliot, Marie had a very positive and gentle birth here at our home, attended by two wonderful midwives. Her birth was much shorter and easier then Elliot's was, and I am feeling much better so much faster. We are so thankful to the Lord for the blessing of a healthy baby girl and a safe delivery.

Marie gave one little cry when she was born, and has hardly cried much since...she is a very peaceful baby and really seems to focus in on Justin and me when she is awake. I love her alert little eyes, and quizzical expressions, and of course I'm in love with her red hair. I wanted a daughter with red hair so badly, but I didn't truly believe I'd really get it.

I love this little video Mom took of her. The first time I saw it, I watched it five times in a row. I think I'm in love. =)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Big News!!!!!!

First of all, thank you for all the lovely comments you all left on the previous post! I was overwhelmed by your kindness, and both Jessica and I so enjoy reading every comment that comes our way!

Now for the big news!!!! I know Jessica will probably give more details later, but I just can't wait to share the news---Jessica had her baby girl yesterday and she is absolutely beautiful!!!! I was honored to be present at the birth of my first granddaughter, and what a blessing and privilege that was! Praise be to God for this precious baby!!!!

Oh, and she has red hair like her mommy!


Monday, November 03, 2008

Pattern Stash Contest

Today I received notice from Pattern Review that I won the Stash Pattern Contest, and they sent me this logo to put on my blog! For those who are not familiar with this particular contest, the goal was to use the most sewing patterns that had never been used before and those which had been purchased before August. The contest ran for 2 months, September and October.

Stash Contest - Pattern Large

I enjoyed sewing up so many of my unused patterns, and I am thankful to get so many clothing items made for my growing daughters. (I even managed to sew myself a few things!!!) In all, throughout the months of September and October, I used 45 different patterns from my stash/collection.

As fun as it was, I will say, though, that I'm tired of sewing quick projects and am ready to sew something a bit more complicated!

Thank you, Pattern Review, for hosting this contest.
