
Monday, November 22, 2010

stopping in here.... say hello!  Wow, we haven't been around here much lately...Sorry about that!  I've been busy living life with a little sewing thrown in here and there.  I've got a craft fair next weekend (I know, the day after Thanksgiving!), and I know Mom has been busy working on more pattern weights among other things.

A couple things I wanted to share from my e-mail box:

J&O Fabrics, a new-to-me fabric shop, recently contacted us and wanted to pass along a coupon code just for you.  STITCH will give you 15% off any order with them!  Enjoy.

I love all the free patterns and tutorials at little shrug is so cute.  I'd love to make it really soon...we'll see if that happens!
 Lastly, I came across this amazing purse during some blog hopping last week. I love, love, love it!!  I even have just the fabric for it, a tweed that I bought last year for a skirt and never made, and I am completely planning hoping to make this purse asap for this winter.  =)

Tutorial is available HERE.

Lastly, have a wonderful Thanksgiving, friends! 