
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Apron Challenge

My first sewing project in my new sewing room!

Simplicity 4282. I am making the apron in the top left corner (view C in the picture below). I need something that covers my front, because I am a really messy cook, but I also like the short blue one on the right side and hope to make it someday too.

My main fabric is the green retro print below. I'm using the yellow mustard print to bind the edges with. I don't like pre-made bias binding--it's much more fun (and much more work!) to make it to coordinate with my fabric.

I've been working on it on and off for awhile now, and it's really almost done. Finished project pictures will be soon!

Mom, you asked for it... this is an Apron Sewing Challenge! I'm also inviting KT and anyone else who reads this to sew an apron!

Retro aprons are so cute, fun to wear, and still very useful in today's world. Comment with your link if you are sewing an apron right now, and if you want to take this challenge and sew one up, please send me your pictures and we will post them here!



  1. Anonymous said...

    Hey, Jess... Look what I came across on another blog--- an apron "show and tell." Mom

    Apron Show and Tell

  2. How funny, I was just going to post my Show and Tell in your comment box, but I see you beat me to the punch. =)

    I've been reading your blog, I do believe I've left a comment or two in the past. I love to sew! =)

    I love this particular pattern! I've made views B, D, and E. View D I've made twice--once for myself and once for a sister of mine.

    Here are several other apron posts I did: The Apron as a Gift and Apron Links. Enjoy! =)

  3. The challenge would be for someone to make an apron for me! :o) I don't have a sewing machine and I am seamstress challenged! I am more crafty in other ways!

    So any takers? :o)

    The lovely Aunt Nettie

  4. Tammy, thanks for the links...I'm having fun looking through them. I love the picture of all the aprons you made for your sisters. That's such a cool Christmas gift idea!

    Aunt Nettie, shame on you...I can't believe that for as crafty as you are, you don't have a sewing machine. I'm sure you would would love sewing. A simple apron pattern would be pretty easy, and a new cute apron to wear in the kitchen would be so much fun don't you think?


  5. AnonymousJune 02, 2006

    Annette, I think Jessica just challenged you to get a sewing machine!

  6. I have a sewing machine but it needs fixed soooooooo nana nana booooo booooooooo .. I should of taken pictures of the swag I made for a parade home... They turned out cool and really used no pattern other then another swag.. I prefer to get messy while cooking and can you imagine Stacy laughing at me wearing an apron??//
    The Lovely Aunt Theresa

  7. Jessica...I would only have an apron for the one time during the year that I am actually making something in the kitchen...that would be cherry season. Didn't you know that I am not miss domesticated kitchen cook? Now Kristin is the cook but she is actually a very clean cook and can you see her in an apron? I think not! :o)

  8. My lovely aunt Threasa,

    I bet Stacy would think you were pretty cute cooking in an apron, even if he did laugh...

    My lovely aunt Nettie,

    So why don't you make an apron with cherries on it just to wear during cherry season?


  9. Have you finished this apron? I would love to see it :)

  10. I know this is an old post but I love this pattern and have made my sister one out of View A I think ( the full skirt and bib with ruffled edges). It my first sewing project ever with a pattern after I finally bought my sewing machine. I have since been sewing away! Love your blog!
