
Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year!

I've been enjoying reading everyone's sewing goals for the New Year. I don't have many... simply sew more, find a way to fit more fabric into the budget, and work on getting my Etsy store going. So far I've only sold pincushions, and while I love cute pincushions, I'd like to make and sell other stuff too. My main goal this year to too keep better track of my projects. I want to keep a project journal or calendar, take pictures of and blog the stuff I make more, and write more pattern reviews as I sew up patterns.

I did start a flickr for my sewing project stuff. There you can see a couple pictures of Christmas gifts that never got posted here.

Soft Tree Ornaments

Knitting Roll that I gave to Mom

Big news! I'm learning to knit! Mom started my sister Heather and me on a scarf over Christmas, and it's fun, but hard! I think it might be addicting, but I'm so slow that I don't know if it's going to be my thing or not. I've done a tiny bit of crochet before, but this is my first venture into the world of knitting. It's big. It's really scary. Will I become a knitter or not? Only time will tell.



  1. Umm...YES! Knitting is addicting! It's not for everyone, but it sure is a lot of fun and is a nice complement to sewing.

  2. Hi! Great pictures and your baby boy is so cute! I'll be happy to read about all your upcoming projects! I've been learning to knit ... sort of. I've made a couple of scarves and wash clothes. I'm not sure what to do next. The knit roll you made looks very nice!

  3. Happy New Year! Elliot is getting so big! He is so cute!!

    I hope you enjoy knitting!

    Love, Heather
