
Monday, May 05, 2008

Revolution Money Exchange

I've jumped on board and am going to try Revolution Money Exchange, a new paypal alternative without all the fees. I'm not sure how much I'll use it (as both parties have to have it to send and receive money), but I'm sure going to enjoy my free $25 just for joining!

Now through the 15th of May, anyone who signs up for a free account gets $25 credited to their account (which you can then have them mail you as a check if you wish). And if you use the referral link (below), then I'll get a nice $10 referral fee from you joining up too! More money to buy fabric....Yea!

Have a great day!
Refer A Friend using Revolution Money Exchange


  1. Can this be used on Etsy and e-bay? The only time I have fees is when I receive payment. If I could use it on Etsy, I'd love to join up!

  2. Tammy, from what I've read, RME can not be used with ebay right now...see their accepted payment policy below:

    Etsy however seems to be great with it. From what I've read it sounds like a lot of etsy people are now accepting RME. Here's a list of etsy stores accepting RME.

    You simply would have to state in your shop policy and listings that your accept RME. You could only get payed with it if the other person had an account with them though. To accept this payment method a buyer would have to choose "other" as their form of payment. Then the seller will need to send a request for the funds to the buyer. They will have to pay the "invoice" that you send.

  3. Well, I think I'll give it a go! $25 for me and $10 for you sounds reasonable. :D

  4. I love your website. I've added it to my favorites! I literally started sewing 4 days ago and love it so far. I can't wait to be more creative! Thanks for sharing!

