
Monday, February 02, 2009

Marie's Baby Quilt

Finally finished!

I made the quilt top when I was pregnant, but just finished the quilting and binding this weekend. The floral prints are from Moda's Three Sisters, Sanctuary line. I fell in love with the purple fabrics when I was pregnant and just had to make Marie's baby quilt with the coordinates. I love the combination of lavender, pink, green, and yellow.

I'm finding that I'm really treasuring these fleeting baby days in a new way with my second baby.

I love the way her little fists flail and beat against me when she gets mad, and I love how her eyes light up and her whole body trembles with excitement when we are about to nurse.
I love her little milky smiles when she finishes nursing and falls asleep, so happy and and contented.

I love the rolls of baby chubbies on her arms and legs! I love how she soft and sweet. I don't want her to ever change...

I'm trying to enjoy every little moment, because it's only a matter of time and she'll no longer be a baby.

Miss Marie and her Aunt Emily. Marie will be 3 months old next week. They are just over 4 years apart.



  1. The quilt turned out beautiful! The picture with Aunt Emily is so sweet.

  2. Jessica,
    The quilt turned out lovely. Did you use a pattern?
    Sweet photo with Aunt Emily and yes, you are right, they aren't babies for long. Enjoy each moment

  3. Cheryl, I did use a pattern...from a library book. I think the pattern was called "stacked pinwheels", but it has been so long, I can't be sure.

  4. Beautiful quilt! I wish I would have cherished tho baby days a bit more. They are gone so fast and I feel like I can hardly remember them. Soon my "baby" will be 5. :-(

  5. I love the quilt! Marie is soo cute :-)

    (one of Ellen's friends)

  6. So sweet, Jessica! Beautiful quilt! Adorably, sweet baby girl!

  7. Beautiful quilt. It must be a pregnancy thing. I made quilt after quilt when pregnant with no 2. Then cushions and cushions and more cushions with no 3. Then I was too tired to sew any more !!!

    Great blog.


  8. This is wonderful. I lead a knitting class at my church and we are talking about handmade gifts and the legacy they leave. This is sure to leave a legacy.

  9. Marie's Quilt is gorgeous! Fabulous job. I love the colors.
