
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Not a Sewing Wonder

One question I am frequently asked is, "Where do you find the time to sew?” I’m afraid I don’t really have the answer, because lately I have not had time to sew. You’ll notice that my last post was dated May 7th---dear readers, it’s been 3 weeks since I’ve sewn!

I am always amazed, embarrassed, encouraged, and slightly amused (what a mixture of emotions) at the reaction I get from people who read this blog---and believe me, this is not one of the popular, high-profile sewing blogs (nor do I wish it to be). I am often asked in a voice of awe and wonder where I find the time to sew, to homeschool, to play my oboe, to clean my house, to do the laundry, and so forth.

People, I do not spend all my time in the sewing room. :) My house is usually messy, and I’m doing well if I get to the mountains of laundry at least once a week (I refuse to do laundry on a daily basis but have one day set aside as “laundry day”). As for my oboe playing, at my best I am just a mediocre oboist—no illusions of grandeur there. (But hey, if anybody wants to buy me a Loree oboe, I won’t refuse such a gift!)

I do love to sew, and I do wish I had more time for sewing. But such is life, and I’m not complaining. One of these days I hope to graduate from sewing children’s clothing to sewing more for myself. Yes, I occasionally attempt to sew for me, and I’ve even posted a few of the garments I’ve made myself. But truth be told, I rarely wear what I sew for myself. I don’t know enough about fitting and alterations to make a garment fit me right; and I don’t take the time to learn. See…really, I am not a sewing wonder.

Change of topic---remember the quilt top I made over a month ago? Yesterday, instead of cleaning house, I took the time to finish the quilt. I’m so excited about this quilt---it’s for me, a lap quilt, for when I want to settle in on the couch with a good book or movie (and coffee!). The size is 42” by 60” and just the perfect size to snuggle with.

Thanks for reading, and thanks to those who regularly comment. You are all so encouraging.

Quilt Front

Quilt Back

My Buffet Oboe


  1. It's so pretty! I love it!

    I think that often blogs don't represent the true us. I'm not saying you are misrepresenting yourself! But we choose to show a small slice of our life and people magnify that slice to a greater percentage than what it really is. If that makes sense! Some people have asked me, "How do you do it all?" When people ask me that I say, "I don't, I skip the dishes and housework!" =)

  2. Your quilt is gorgeous!! I too love to sew and I homeschool my children.... it is lots of work and the house goes by the wayside way to often, but I enjoy my life! Just wanted to say I enjoy your blog and can relate :)

  3. Your quilt is beautiful. My life is pretty much like yours, except for the oboe part. I don't get to sew all the time. My house is usually a mess. It's difficult to do it all all the time.

  4. People say that to me, too. "I don't know how you do it all. You have 5 kids AND you homeschool AND you..." I have to laugh and say "I don't! There are so many things I'm NOT doing" (: I have to admit that it's a constant struggle to not feel frustrated at not having the time to do all I want to do. It's good to hear it from other people, too (:

  5. Dear Jessica and Ruth,

    I sew professionally and set a goal of 5 hours of actual sewing time per day. That goal can sometimes be hard to reach, even though the projects still get out in time. I can really relate to your absence from blogging; life goes on!

    Your blog is lovely - gorgeous quilts! It's a treat to keep up with what you're doing.



  6. AnonymousMay 30, 2010

    Several have said it already, that our blogs don't always highlight our everyday life and what really goes on. Though it is always encouraging to hear people say they don't do it all ;)

    You have a lovely blog and I follow it regular. I love the lap quilt, beautiful job!

    Captain Momma

  7. Congrats on getting it done!!
    And there is nothing wrong with not sewing for a while! When people ask me where I find time to sew I sometimes feel guilty but I always remind myself that it's what you choose to spend your time doing. I feel bad wasting an hour on the computer but not behind my sewing machine!

  8. Your life sounds much like mine without the musical instrument. I read instead. I can't imagine home schooling, too!
    Your quilt is quite nice.

  9. Hi Ruth - I love your quilt. And that's most of our lives. We have many things to balance out and don't always have time to do our hobbies. Above all we have to do our work and task to please God.

  10. Ruth, your quilt is amazing. I really like the pattern. Don't you think all the quilting cottons are fabulous?

    It is hard to find time to sew, especially in the summer.

  11. Amen. I leave the housework first (ugh, I hate housework!!) and it never fails. When I'm in the middle of a big tracing/cutting/sewing fiesta and I haven't dusted or vacuumed in more than a week...someone will surprise me with a visit. Ack! I really hate that. Then I feel like a failure for not "doing it all". :) But I don't really make an effort to change either, because I have to take those little spurts of sewing (or not sew at all!)

  12. AnonymousMay 31, 2010

    Hi Ruth
    First of all, my English is not very well (I am Swiss). I hope you understand it.
    Beautiful quilt!
    I could say that I live in the same situation as you. (Maried,three kids (19m, 16w, 12m) two of them do have a handycap, so I do not home-schooling but...., vocalist and playing different flutes in a christian band, and so on...)
    The time for sewing is not really a lot! First of all comes the needs of the family, then the housework, then to practice music, and then sewing or better to patch jeans and something like that!

    If you want to make pattern for you and your family your one with custom-tailored there exist a very good programm to create your one pattern! I try it and it has a perfect fit. For me and my family.

  13. Thank you for sharing this. :-) It's always nice to hear I'm not the only one with a messy house and dirty laundry!
    Beautiful quilt! I still need to set aside time to finish the quilt top I made for my son's bed. I always seem to have something more fun to sew (usually for me).

  14. Beautiful quilt. I so want to make one, but of course the time to sew???? Where is it, it is done between loads of clothes washing and dishes in the sink all while doing school. With 7 kids home all day (homeschool) my house is way past messy and clothes well lets just say that our hamper is a 30 gallon trash can, that is always full. How funny is that. I used to feel guilty about it but the truth is that my house isn't messy but lived in. This makes it better for me to deal with, I mean the kids need to eat and play right. As far as the clothes well I used to do it all on one day of the week but got tired of folding so many clothes so now I wash about 2 loads daily, seems to help when I stick to it.

  15. I love your coin quilt! Another on my list of quilts I want to make.

    We each choose to do the things important to us. To some people, that might look like you "do it all" - when you don't!

  16. Great coin quilt! Enjoy your time snuggled underneath it. I think you made a good choice. The house work isn't going anywhere.

  17. I love your new quilt! It's beautiful! I understand your time dilemma. I like to sew, crochet, paper craft and read, but I feel like I play more than I accomplish anything. Oh well, that's life and I do enjoy my play time!

  18. You quilt is beautiful! I love the colors.

  19. AnonymousMay 31, 2010

    Love the quilt and the oboe! My nine year old daughter just marched in a memorial day parade playing her oboe. Today is my laundry day and it is going very slowly...
    I love to sew and do so only in little snippets of time.

  20. beautiful quilt. I too love to sew and have to juggle "life" to find time.
