
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I'm in Switzerland!

As promised, I took a picture of my 4 month old granddaughter wearing the Ottobre jacket I made for her. As you can see, the size 68 jacket is big on her. But she'll grow. In the week since I've been here in Zurich she seems to have grown bigger right before my eyes.

I will be here in Switzerland for a total of three weeks, and I'm having a wonderful time with my daughter, granddaughter, and son-in-law. Zurich is beautiful! Switzerland is beautiful! We have kept busy every day, sightseeing, picnic-ing, shopping, and visiting castles, old churches, museums.... And of course, I am finding time to hug and kiss on the baby. Oh, she is so adorable, so sweet, so good natured, so absolutely precious! I am savoring every minute with her because I don't know when next I will see her.

Zurich along the Limmat River

If you care to see pictures of my travels in Switzerland, I have them here on Flickr.


p.s. I've not yet found a fabric store in Zurich, but my daughter promises me there is one or two that we'll visit.

Ottobre 04/2007 Design#8 "Hooded Velour Jacket"
Size 68 (6 months)
Fabric: velour outer, jersey knit lining

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It's time for the Dustbowl again!

Yay, this Saturday is the Dustbowl Arts Market in Norman, Ok.  Last year was so much fun...I'm super excited to be part of this fair again!  If you are in the area, please come see me!

Here's a sneak peak of some of the little hair flower clips I'll have there! Hopefully I'll have some more pictures in the next few days, and then after the fair I have plans to restock my etsy store.  I have been VERY busy sewing this last month and have lots of new stuff!

Blessings, Jessica

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Panasonic Iron Review

Sometimes I get e-mails from people wanting to know my opinions on sewing machines and serger brands.  Unfortunately I'm not a lot of help because all I've ever sewn on are Pfaffs, but like most people, I've been through my share of irons!  The expensive Rowenta I started out with didn't make it through the first two years of marriage.  For quite some time now I've been limping along with a little discount store iron a friend gave me when I needed one in a pinch.  I finally decided I needed something with a few more features (like getting hot for starters!).
So for everyone who wants an iron recommendations, I purchased this Panasonic iron two months ago, and LOVE it. It's pretty heavy, gets very hot with lots of steam, and has a fairly large detachable water tank.  It also has a retractable cord with built in storage on the base, and an auto-off.  The temperature dial seems really reliable and I haven't had any issues with it spitting water on any of the lower settings. I wasn't too sure about the detachable water tank, but it is actually so handy!  With a push of a button it comes off and I can fill it up in the sink and snap it right back on.  No more carrying little water containers back and forth, and no more dripping water all over trying to fill the iron up.  I leave my iron set up all the time, so the retractable cord isn't a big deal to me, but if I need to put it up, it'll be nice to not have the cord flopping all over.

The nicest thing about this iron though was that it was completely free with my Swagbucks earnings! You can find out more about Swagbucks HERE if you are interested!
