
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Baby Hats

Sweet little baby hats sewn on a whim--a quick and fun project that got me into my neglected sewing room. But still, I have no motivation for sewing.

So, it's back to the knitting needles. (I started a pair of booties to match the finished baby cardigan which is waiting for its buttons).

If you have any extra sewing mojo, send some my way! :)


  1. Very sweet Ruth!!! If you find some extra mojo, send some my way!!!!!!!!!! ;o)

  2. Very cute. I might try the pattern for baby number 3 coming in Jan. Will need a hat or 3 as it will be snowy and cold out here so I am told.

  3. I go through the same thing when yarn season hits (for me the fall) except I crochet. But once I get into the yarn I can' t seem to pull myself out and I end up going to the studio but I sit and crochet instead of sewing - - I love it! And I love that color in your project!

  4. I think my sewing mojo is out there somewhere with yours. I like to sew, honest I do, but I've been knitting the last few years, too.

  5. That pink stripe suits my newborn niece. Gotta make one now. Thanks! :)

  6. Luscious and precious and how can I knit that well?

  7. Love the hats in stripes! It is such a good pattern that one.
