
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Kitten on My Cardigan and Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Sewing Momma whose name was drawn for the Sharp Crochet Hook giveaway!  

Sewing Momma commented:  "Thank you so much for sharing these ideas for edgings. They are beautiful. I am currently doing some crochet edging on socks for my little girls. I never knew a sharp hook existed. I would love to give one a try.

I do not have your address, so send me an email with the pertinent information!  

On another note, I am still knitting away on my Rocio cardigan.  One sleeve is all that remains, but let me tell you, this one sleeve is dragging on and on.  My goal is now to finish the sweater by December 1st as part of a KAL on Ravelry.
If you are a Ravelry user, and if you care to bother with it, would you please go to this link and click on the little "love" button under my picture?  If I get enough love, I may just win a skein of handspun yarn.  Now wouldn't that by nice?!  

(Clicking on the picture below will also take you to the Ravelry page). 
"I want to take a nap, but these pointy things are getting in my way."


  1. Our cats sit on our clothes as soon as you put them down. The kids thought your pictures were cute and wanted me to let you know :-)

    Thanks for sharing.

  2. That's sweet of your kids. :)
    Thanks for commenting.
