
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sewing for Boys

My 8 year old son always asks why I sew for Emily and not for him----well, the truth is, Jacob wears mainly jeans and t-shirts and there just isn't much need to sew for him. Jeans and t-shirts can be bought on sale quite inexpensively in Jacob's size, and (shh...this is the real truth) I just don't enjoy sewing for boys as much as I enjoy sewing for girls.

But what's a mom to do when her son asks with pleading brown eyes, "please, Mom, will you make me some clothes?" So I did. : )

I first made the denim shorts, and Jacob wore them for 2 days. By the end of the 2 days the shorts were filthy from playing in the rain and mud puddles. I finished the shirt yesterday---but---I am not going to let Jacob wear it until the shorts are clean and I can get a picture of him wearing the compete outfit, both shirt and shorts at the same time. It may not happen. Boys are different than girls. I'm not sure when I figured that one out.

The patterns are Ottobre (big surprise, right?), and both are from the newest 03/2009 issue. I'll add a link to the full reviews at Pattern Review when I get them written.

Oh, I have to tell you about the denim I used for the shorts. I found the denim at Wal-Mart for $2.00 per yard. On the bolt it was stiff, stiff, stiff, and I only bought 2 yards. After washing it 3 times (yes, 3 times on hot) the denim was soft, thick and oh-so-beautiful! This denim is the good stuff. The expensive stuff if bought elsewhere. You already know what I did--- I went back to Wal-Mart and bought the rest of the bolt. Sadly, only 3 yards remained. But 3 yards is 3 yards, and I'm happy.

Onward to the pictures:

"Jungle" T-Shirt, Design #24
Made from interlock knit with ribbing for the red contrast

Size 122 "Bert" Shorts, Design #23
Size 11 6
In real life, the shorts are dark blue, not black.

The waisband treatment is different than I've done before. I like the clean finish it gives on the inside.

Back Pockets: Lots of topstitching

When it's all said and done, sewing for boys really isn't too awful. I may do more for Jacob. He's so appreciative.



  1. So can you explain sometime how to do this waistband treatment? It looks so nice.

  2. AnonymousMay 28, 2009

    Wow, those shorts look great Ruth!

    Don't you love those surprise fabrics at WM? I'm going to be really sad when their fabric depts are gone for good. :(

  3. They are both so cute, I love the fabric for the T- shirt. Hopefully your little boy will be very happy!

  4. Cute! You do such lovely top stitching.

  5. Cute! When my Little Boy was little (24 now) there just weren't many patterns for boys! But he did get some wild shirts when he was old enough to pick his own fabric! His Baby Sister (now 21) kept me busy making cute little dresses until Middle school.

  6. Aww, I so understand. I'm an amatuer at sewing and making dresses/skirts is quite easy and simple. I have two boys though. I have made them plenty of PJ pants though. But my niece has defintely accumulated many items that I have made.

  7. My son does that. It's hard to say no.

    check out my giveaway.

  8. The outfit looks cute. I don't sew much for my son anymore either. After seeing these I think I will try making him some shorts now. I can't keep up with his laundry.
    Is there a zip in that fly or is it just for show?

  9. Beautiful. The topstitching is SO good. You can make more things for him. Try the same shorts in khaki, or plaid. Wow.

  10. Great job on the jeans... Good job on the waistband. I did it like the instructions, but found it difficult. I will try again with the next pair and hopefully it won't take so long.

  11. Ha, I buy alot of denim at Walmart too! It is soft, and even softer when it comes out of the dryer. Great quality.
    Both items look great. I too would like to know how you did the waistband.

  12. These look great, I love ths shorts especially.
    I only have boys and used to sew all their clothes when they were smaller, but now the two eldest are teens they are not so fond of that idea, but I still have a little one who does not protest yet!

  13. Ruth, the shorts are amazing. Fantastic job.

  14. Adorable! I think I'm going to need some shirts for my ds in about a month or so and I think I'll put this one on the list. The shorts are awesome too, as is the bargain you got the denim for. I haven't found anything good on the sale rack at Wal-mart for quite some time. Not that I need anything. LOL.

  15. Very cute!!!! I love it!!!

  16. Awesome outfit! My son is much more appreciative of the things I make him than my daughter is, even though she gets the volume of the clothes.

  17. Awww... I have a toddler boy that I spend a lot of my time sewing for. He thinks I can sew anything! The other day he came up to me and was checking out my glasses. He said, "Glasses for me? Mommy sew them?"

    It's going to be hard to switch to sewing for a girl when my little girl arrives (due in August).

    Your shorts and t-shirts are awesome!

  18. AnonymousJune 04, 2009

    It's funny that I should find your blog. I just decided I was making too many dresses and should make some boy clothes for my son! Great job!

  19. AnonymousJune 06, 2009

    I would like to learn to sew for my little brothers.

    I am 8. Please visit my blog and watch me learn to sew. I just made a drawstring bag. Next I'll be making a strawberry pot holder.

    My mom has a blog too at

  20. I really need to sew more for my boys. Those shorts look really good. Nicely finished

  21. AnonymousJune 07, 2009

    Hi again, I posted another comment on this post before. Anyway, I just started my blog and don't really know what I'm doing yet. I would love some pointers from you guys! How do you get people to actually read your blog?

  22. Those look great. I'm glad I'mnot the only one that uses white serger thread on denim :). I am off to order that ottobre right now.
