Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Signature Styles Book Review and Giveaway!

Since Mom and I started this blog (over 5 years ago!) there has been a huge online explosion of sewing blogs and crafty inspiration.  I've definitely made the rounds on the internet reading various sewing and craft blogs, and over the years I've cheered as some of my favorite craft bloggers have grown in their styles and made careers for themselves with published books, patterns, and fabric lines. The amount of inspiration and creativity out there is amazing....and sometimes dizzying!
Signature Styles by Jenny Doh takes 20 such amazingly talented women and gives the reader a glimpse into their creative stories as they've forged their own styles and created a handmade career for themselves.  Each chapter is basically a tour of her studio and life, and features lots of cool tibits about the essence of that crafter's personal style, techniques she's known for, and how she got to the place she is at now.  I especially love how this book blends fashion and crafting, showing how each artist creates her personal style with her crafts and by the way she dresses.
 There are lots of gorgeous photos to drool over...

At the end of each chapter is an exclusive project from that particular crafter....lots of fun accessory items, bags, clothing, and even an adorable pair of baby pants!

 If you've ever wanted a peek into a fellow crafter's life and find out what inspires and drives them to create, then this is the book for you!  Lark Crafts has graciously offered me a copy of Signature Styles to review and one to give away.  Leave a comment and share who or what inspires you to create and craft...this can be something personal from your own life or just a link to another craft blog that you love!

I'll draw a winner next Tuesday...one week from today.


  1. I have so many crafty friends...I am inspired by all of them!!! And the many bloggers I follow. :)

    That book looks so cute...I will have to buy it if I don't win the giveaway. :)


  2. AnonymousMay 17, 2011

    Oh wow, that book looks so fun! I love patterns. I could spend hours looking through patterns and pattern books and vintage patterns. They always inspire me!

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    steph6467 @ q (dot) com

  3. My mom really inspires me. She's one of the craftiest people I know. :) She always gets so excited about crafts. I love it. :)

    I would love to win this book. It looks really cute, and fun! :)

  4. Gift giving occasions inspire me to craft. I love giving hand made gifts. :)

  5. What a wonderful idea for a book! My online sewing friends Kim (gogokim.blogspot.com) and Amy (amylouwho.com) inspire me!

  6. Lately my craft inspiration is coming from Pinterest. :)

    What a fun giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!

  7. AnonymousMay 17, 2011

    Gift giving inspires me.. I love to make something that someone really enjoys receiving.


    fordcowgirl_85 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  8. Thanks for the chance at an awesome giveaway. My kids, mom, and other blogger are what insipres me.

  9. I am inspired by so many of the great designers out there, but I am also inspired by vintage art and children's books.
    Thanks for the chance to win this neato book!
    Sivje at Goosegirl Sews.

  10. AnonymousMay 18, 2011

    I'm very excited by this particular book. I pull crafty inspiration from all over -mostly online before, but I recently moved to Denver and am loving the crafty community here. I have something like 320 blogs in my google reader, and the vast majority of them are crafty.


  11. Wow, such a beautiful book. I really would win this book.
    My grandmother is, who inspires me. She is so crafty, and although she is 86, very active.
    Tünde from Hungary

  12. The internet always inspires me... i just found those wonderful blogs one year ago - before i could not imagine how many creative ideas are in there ! thanks to all of those people who share there work with me

  13. Debbie WhiteMay 18, 2011

    I honestly believe that my inspiration to create is God given. I was not born in a creative family. I did learn some sewing and crocheting from a wonderful lady, Gladys Sizemore that taught my HomeEc class in my Jr. year of high school. During a most difficult time in my life caused by sickness, I was so weak physically and emotionally. I don't even remember how it came about, but I began to use the talents that the Lord blessed me with and began to crochet and learn other types of needlework and sewing that helped me through those difficult times. I find much inspriration from the many blogs that are available to us nowadays, also. Please enter me in this giveaway!

  14. I am so inspired by so many crafting bloggers. It seems like every weekend I am starting a new project from something I seen on one. There are so many special sewing bloggers out there. I follow so many of them. Just amazing women.

  15. AnonymousMay 18, 2011

    I'm inspired to sew and craft by the ideas running through my mind!

  16. I was inspired to crochet and sew out of necessity! I didn't want to buy cheap acrylic winter accessories when I could make my own out of natural materials for so much cheaper! And I can't sew yet, but want to learn so I don't have to pay a tailor to take in clothes.

  17. AnonymousMay 18, 2011

    What an amazing looking book! I'd love to win it!

    I am inspired to craft by my grandmother, who is 93 years old and stills spends time each day in her sewing room. :) When I was a child, all the most awesome Christmas presents I got were the homemade ones by my grandmother--barbie and cabbage patch kid clothes, pretty nightgowns for me. I want to get better at sewing so I can make awesome things for my own kids that they will remember when they're grown.

  18. That looks like a fabulous book!!

    My inspiration comes from a lot of places...blogs I read, fabric I see or magazines/books I look through.

    What a lovely giveaway!!

  19. I find sources of inspiration all over. I read lots of magazines and blogs and am constantly in awe of the work that I see created. I am also especially inspired by my friend, Kate, and cousin, Ronnie, who have a special gift of artistic vision and talent. The book looks incredible!

  20. I just got married a month ago and am now in the midst of decorating a new home on a budget - so I'm beginning to learn how to sew :) This new home and marriage inspires me!

    I'm so glad I stumbled upon your blog! This books looks wonderful!

  21. AnonymousMay 18, 2011

    Great review! Ohhh... so hoping to win the giveaway! :)
    First time that I've stumbled on your blog. Fantastico!

  22. I am inspired by my mother. She taught me to crochet, and she taught me to sew.
    I inspired by my dad. He is a photographer and taught me to look at things differently, to find beauty in everyday things.

    Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing book!

  23. It is true that with age comes wisdom. I have learned through the years that what I do for me, being true to who I am and what I can contribute to the world, makes me happy and keeps me sane. I express this by imparting a piece of my heart and soul in all that I do, the best that I can. Hopefully, others are touched by what I share. Being true to myself and sharing with others is what inspires me.

  24. I'm inspired by blogs mostly and sometimes my books.

    sable@ xtra.co.nz

  25. So many things inspire me to craft - finding ideas in blogs and magazines, using new types of products, the cost of doing things yourself. Looks like a great book!

  26. So many things inspire me to be crafty - creating things that are one-of-a-kind, getting new ideas from blogs and magazines, trying new products and the cost! Looks like a great book!

  27. I am mostly inspired by fashion

  28. My Mom inspired me when I was a little girl with crochet, embroidery and making doll clothes. She still inspires me today.

  29. OH I so need some own my own business, make a living with my art mo jo

  30. there are so many blogs and crafty people that inspire me i can't pinpoint only one! i will say i'm inspired by my husband's confidence and support of me that inspires me to never stop creating art...

  31. my mom, who is now 81, was my earliest inspiration - she did beautiful embroidery on pillow cases and kitchen hand towels as wedding gifts! sewing, knitting, and counted cross stitch were also around.

    though i didn't inherit my mother's perfectionism, i love to make all sort of things from all sorts of materials.. the book looks like even more inspiration!

  32. Creating something from nothing inspires me. I can look at a beautiful piece of paper, an old piece of furniture or a colorful swatch of fabric and can already see the end product. The wonderful world of creative bloggers feeds my inspiration daily. Thank you bloggers!

  33. I inspired by google. I search what I want to create and so many ideas are given to me and I just one do make one of each.

  34. I'm brand new to the world of sewing (just got my very first sewing machine today for my birthday). I have so many things I want to do and make for my family, but I need all the help I can get.

    Glad I found your blog!

  35. My husband is my challenger to be creative. He's always pointing out the beauty in shapes and colors God has created for us to enjoy, and his photography, stained glass, and painting (not to mention the music he makes on all sorts of stringed instruments) adds joy and beauty to every day together. He's God's good gift to me.

  36. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    That looks like a great book, the photos are gorgeous! Would love to win a copy. :)

  37. Love the review!! My Meme(grandmother) inspired me to start sewing by sharing all her knowledge and love for the art of sewing. I can always call her with a vision and she always helps me bring it to life!! Thank you for the chance to be inspired even more!!

  38. I am inspired by my friends, bloggers like yourselves, and my mom! Thanks for blogging and creating!

  39. Oh, that book is on my wish list!
    I enjoy your blog!

  40. Inspiration usually hits me after seeing a need for something that could be sewn. Many of my ideas are crazy and never saw a stitch! Thanks for all the inspiration.

  41. I am inspired by my Oma who knitted Barbie clothes for me when I was young, my Grandmother (Gramms) who smocked most of my dresses growing up, and my Mom who is a gifted and talented seamstress and amazing at crocheting.

    I am so excited for this giveaway!! :) Thanks!

  42. AnonymousMay 27, 2011

    I didn't grow up with anyone who did crafts so I'm self taught.

    I'd like to say thank you to all of the bloggers who share their projects with the world and google for making it relatively easy to find them! :)

  43. I found your blog on thread magazines top 5 sewing blogs list. I am just beginning to sew but, I love it! I have an amazing time creating new things! I think your book review was great! My two daughters, Summer Grace and Olivia, have inspired all of my sewing and creations...I love to try new and exciting things which I know they will love...Not only do my girls inspire my stitches but, also my entire life...have a wonderful day

  44. I've always been inspired by my mom. And now, at 99 years old, she's still creating...working on baby quilts. She's made about three dozen in the last several years, most of them for charity. She's a very special lady!!

  45. Wow thanks for the chance to win x
    Pattern inspires me, be it on paper, fabric or in nature x

  46. AnonymousJune 16, 2011

    That book looks amazing! Thanks for the chance to get it!


  47. AnonymousJune 16, 2011

    That book looks absolutely amazing!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  48. The book looks very interesting, I'd like to have one. What inspires me to make crafts is the joy I see on faces when I present them with something I have made.

  49. The joy on a persons face when I present them something I have made is what inspires me to make crafts. The book looks like it's filled with great ideas I could use. I'd love to have one.

  50. My husband inspires me because he thinks I am so wonderful and talented and always encourages me to try new things and to share my talents.
