Thursday, May 01, 2008

Gardening Days

Last night Justin helped me do some planting...

My gladiolus flowers are coming up from last year. This bed really needs some help. We planted some little dianthus and alyssum flowers between the glads, but I still need to do a border of some sort to keep the grass from invading so easily. I'm hoping the flowers will grow fast and fill in some of the bare spaces in between the gladiolus stalks. I hadn't realized how thin and sparse glads are. I guess I was expecting something more bushy...shows you how much I know about flower gardening!

The pretty pink hydrangea is from my in-laws. It is simply beautiful. I always think hydrangeas are such wedding-y flowers.

Unfortunately, I simply don't have enough sun in my backyard to have much of a vegetable garden. Every year I try to do a little though. This year I planted two tomato plants, two bell peppers, two hot peppers, and one cilantro plant. Can you tell I like salsa?

My azaleas are in full bloom this year. I don't think they've ever been so pretty. I should get some more of them, because my neighbor has a huge one, and it is so showy. Mine are pretty small, but they sure put on a lot of blooms this year!

Have a great summer!

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