Yes, my Mystery Shawl is finished, and here it is in all its glory!
On the blocking table:
Blocked measurements are 48"x20".
And a close-up:
If you frequent Ravelry, you probably have seen all the lovely shawls. The models all look so graceful, like they're ready to take flight in this pose I tried to imitate.
Yet here I am, managing to just look silly. It doesn't help that it's 100 degrees outside, my hair is in a weird-strange-hoykey-doykey-get-me-off-my-neck-cuz-it's-hot mode, and I just about got a charlie horse in my arm trying to pose so gracefully. Yeah. I just look silly.
But it's okay. Because I love this shawl. I love that I finished it and that I learned so much while knitting it. Thanks to Kirsten Kapur of Through the Loops for designing the pattern. I enjoyed this knit-along very much.
Remember I told you about the stitch markers I made? Be watching for another post about them--I am going to give away one dozen beaded stitch markers to one lucky reader. :)